VLOG Galia Brener

In Bed with Galia

Galia Brener reads "Sexy sex"

Galia Brener reads her column "Yes, No, Maybe?" in her new Videoblog for Journal Frankfurt. Recorded in a bed in the Roomers Hotel the first video covers the intimate art of Lovemaking.
Sensual passionate sex is not just good for your body, but also for your mind and soul. Lovemaking makes you beautiful and increases your self-confidence. Go ahead, have some sexy sex:

4. April 2013
Galia Brener


Steffen Schneider am 5.4.2013, 01:15 Uhr:
Sure Galia, it's my pleasure! Do not listen to such useless comments. This comes from jealousy, and not allowing others to enjoy their success. In German we call this gönnen können. Continue on your way, and do your thing. You are good at it!
Galia Brener am 5.4.2013, 00:49 Uhr:
Hello Steffen, thank you for your comments. It's great to see that men also enjoy reading the column! :-) In the future, I will write about more topics that are relevant for men. Thanks again for the support, and all the best, Gali
Steffen Schneider am 5.4.2013, 00:14 Uhr:
Mensch Brigitte, das ist ja hart. Du musst auch mal anderen etwas gönnen. Purer Neid. Galia is jung, intelligent und hübsch. Weiter so Galia. Ich finde Deine Kolumne klasse und lese sie gerne! (Meine Freunde auch). Das Video finde ich super!
Galia Brener am 4.4.2013, 19:24 Uhr:
By the way, this situation reminds me of the column that I wrote a few weeks ago, called "Bitchiness between women". Here is the link to it:
Galia Brener am 4.4.2013, 19:23 Uhr:
Dear Grace, thank you very much for your kind and honest comment. I am happy to see that people appreciate what I write, and how I write it... instead of concentrating on trivial aspects, such as the color of my stockings! So ridiculous and petty really. Makes me laugh :-) Thank you for your kind support Grace! Hugs, Gali ?
Grace O. am 4.4.2013, 19:17 Uhr:
Brigitte, let?s be honest here: aren?t you talking here out of jealousy? I am a woman and really appreciate what Galia is doing. She is trying to reach people?s hearts with goodness and smiles. She also writes about every day situations in relationships which we all are going through. Galia not only writes, but also helps with advices which she wraps in an interesting stories. Brigitte, no need to be hostile only because you did not try to help others or couldn?t achieve as much as Galia in life. As for me, I can simply say: thank you Ms.Brener and keep writing! Good luck!
Galia Brener am 4.4.2013, 18:40 Uhr:
It's a column "reading" dear. Memorizing and acting it out would be so inauthentic. Which outfit would you suggest for future videos Brigitte?
Brigitte Neubert am 4.4.2013, 17:53 Uhr:
Maybe use a beamer in future to avoid, that your audience falls asleep,
while you are reading from your laptop.
Unsexy, black stockings in bed!
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